WordPress Hardening

WordPress Hardning is an excellent way to increase the security of your website by adding additional security measures beyond the default settings.

Below is a checklist outlining the main changes we make to protect harden your site against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

  • Verifying WordPress is fully updated
    • WordPress Core
    • All themes and plugins
    • Latest PHP Version
  • Remove unused themes and plugins
  • Scan WordPress for Malware and Vulnerabilities
  • Verifying the site is correctly setup for HTTPS encryption and as a valid SSL certificate
  • Verifying correct File permissions & Locking down core files
  • Verifying the site is backed up
  • Verifying all forms have reCAPTCHA or equivalent anti-spam protection on them
  • Installing a Security Plugin
  • Setting up Cloudflare (Optional)
  • Disabling ‘Built In’ File Editing for themes and plugins
  • Disabling XML-RPC
  • Enabling ‘Brute force Detection’ & Limit Login attempts
  • Enabling 2FA for your administrator login
  • Restricting access to ‘wp-admin’
  • Block PHP execution in untrusted folders
  • Provide you a summary report of your website with all the changes performed and it’s current configuration.